Staff from RKA, along with representatives from Ruscilli Concstruction, Korda Nemeth, Shelley Metz Baumann Hawk, EMH&T, and Kinzelman Kline Gossman, participated in a volunteer session at Mid Ohio FoodBank’s distribution center on W. Mount St. in Columbus. For these firms, which comprise the design team for Mid-Ohio’s current facility expansion project, the experience provided valuable insight into the client’s operations along with the opportunity to serve the needy families of our region. The event also proved to be an excellent team-building exercise:
“… It was great to have you all here and you certainly were efficient boxers. You packed 915 boxes --that's nearly 22 pallets, a full semi. That makes you second in all time boxes produced in a single work session and you get the neatness award too!” - Evelyn Behm, Associate Director, Mid-Ohio FoodBank
RKA looks forward to working with the team on Mid-Ohio FoodBank’s facility expansion in the same spirit of energy and dedication.